Everything You Need to Know About Nose Piercing 101

For centuries now, humans have long been nose piercing. Different cultures have done it for different representations. Nowadays, it’s done to somehow symbolize rebellion. In general, it is mainstream even up to the present. But did you know that there are several ways to have your nose pierced? We’ll be happy to guide you through your nose piercing journey. Before anything else, make certain to educate yourself first with the risks and challenges that come along with it before committing. Make the most informed decisions before having it done.

Nostril piercing

What is Nose Piercing?

Nose piercing is the process of an incision in the cartilage or skin of your nasal area normally for sporting jewelry. The process uses a needle and the jewelry used is called a nose-jewel. Besides earlobe and tongue piercing, nose piercing is another common variety. There are several types of piercing that you can get for your nose, but we will delve into that a bit.

Nose Piercing Procedures

First, your service provider has to make sure that all the instruments to be used on your skin are sterilized. Wearing sterile gloves, he must sterilize your skin or cartilage area that needs to be pierced thoroughly.

The next step will be marking. The location must be significantly determined beforehand to make sure your nose jewel is exactly where it needs to be. Your piercer will identify for you the safe spots on your nose and then mark the exact location. You, being the one to have to go through the piercing, have to communicate properly with your piercer. Make sure everything is understood as this can easily go wrong if neglected.

After which, using a hollow needle, the piercing step is performed. As you may know, piercing guns are not the most sanitary option compared to hollow needles. This tool can potentially lead to diseases such as hepatitis or infections. We just want you to be informed of what you are getting into. The piercing step will then take a few minutes. Once done, any residue or blood around the piercing are wiped away.

By this time, listen carefully to the instructions the piercer will give you regarding the aftercare process. You may encounter some minor issues during the healing period so it would be best to secure your piercer’s contact details for further assistance.

Nose Piercing Types

Because there are several options, let us delve into some of the common types of nose piercing so you get to explore the perfect location to wedge a nose jewel.

Nostril Piercing ﹘ The nostrils are one of the most commonly pierced areas of the nose. Its location is above the curve of the nose upward from the lip area. On that note, the nostril piercing’s positioning varies according to nose and nerve structures. Additionally, the aesthetic appeal of the piercing is a factor for the people to decide its location. It can either be done on both sides of the nose.

Nose Bridge Piercing ﹘ This type of piercing is a little intense for most people because this is where all the cartilages and bones are. However, the piercing in this area is actually quite quick to heal compared to other piercing types because it only passes through the skin. That said, there is an increased chance of migration due to the shallow piercing. This phenomenon is when the human body does not accept the piercing thereby pushing it out. If you see this happening, there might be no better option than to have it removed. One solution for this issue is to use a curved barbell rather than using a straight one.

Septum Nose Piercing ﹘ This type of piercing is quite bit taking over the fashion world recently. Using horseshoe style jewelry, one can easily spice up their look and remove it whenever they like. The location for septum nose piercing can be a little tricky and requires expertise. To successfully achieve this type of piercing, the piercer must be knowledgeable as to where the cartilage begins and ends. As a consequence, the procedure might take longer than the traditional locations.

Nose Piercing Aftercare

There are best practices that you should follow once you have successfully pierced your nose. A newly pierced nose certainly requires more delicate care. These general guidelines will be enumerated below:

·Avoid touching the sensitive area. Make sure to get your hands cleaned first.

·Because this is part of our skin, we would want to prevent dryness. Ask a piercing expert what moisturizers are advisable for pierced skin.

·Lastly, but not least, stay hydrated and eat healthy food to speed up healing.

How to Clean Nose Piercing?

Remember that once the piercing procedure is done, you now have an open wound to take care of and assist in healing. Here are some good tips on how to clean your pierced nose.

·In applying the saline solution, use a clean bulb syringe or cotton balls.

·After which, dry by gently dabbing a clean, disposable paper.

·Use only gentle and unscented soap when rinsing. This will avoid irritations.

·Furthermore, avoid also using stronger antiseptics if it looks like an infection is setting in. Allow the saline to work and try not to pick at the jewelry or rings. This might cause irritations.

How Long Does it Take for a Nose Piercing to Heal?

It usually takes about four to six months for a piercing to heal. However, some types heal faster. Nose piercing healing actually depends on its location. For instance, the nose rings healing takes about 2 to 4 months to heal while a septum piercing takes 3 to 4 months. Just always try and keep up with the aftercare routine the whole time. Getting lazy will do you no good at all so take extra caution. If your nose is infected, take care in time, otherwise, it will take longer to heal.

Types of Jewelry Used for Nose Piercing

So your pierced skin has finally healed, we now move to the fun part. There are also several types of jewelry used for nose piercing. The question now is, what style of jewelry best fits you? Let’s delve into these types in brief.

·Nostril rings or hoops ﹘ These pieces likely create a curved piercing hole. For this reason, piercers do not recommend them for initial piercing.

·Nostril screws ﹘ This type of jewelry has straight post wires. It goes through the piercing and ends with a bend that will hold the jewelry in place.

·Barbells ﹘ The barbells come in two styles, the regular or the press-fit. The regular style has one of the ends screwed while the press-fit style has one end that pops on and off with pressure. Such ends are worn on the outside for easier access.

Commonly Used Material in Nose Piercing

Once your pierced skin has healed, carefully consider what material to use, especially if you have a sensitive type of skin. Allergic reactions and infection are the two most common skin problems related to jewelry. Considering the material carefully will alleviate such problems.

The recommended metals you can wear once your skin heals are stainless steel, gold, and glass. On the other hand, avoid low-grade metals such as nickel, tin, zinc and brass. They are not ideal for piercing as they cause skin problems.

Frequently Asked Question about Nose Piercing:

Should I Get a Nose Piercing?

This is a personal matter and only you can answer this. But we do hope our guide helps you make a sound decision. If you really want to have your nose pierced, by all means, do it but with precaution.

Does Nose Piercing Hurt?

Nose piercing pain is expected. A straightforward answer is that it would actually depend on one’s pain level tolerance. If it helps, there is a pain but it is done quickly. Because the nerves in your nose are connected to your sinuses, it is possible for your eyes to water. We all have different levels of pain tolerance. It would be best to know yourself better. How well do you handle the pain? Condition your mind with the fact that a needle will go through your nose cartilage. But it's also better to not get too worked up over it. Generally, the pain will be bearable.

How Much Does a Nose Piercing Cost?

Now that you’ve decided to have your nose pierced, you might want to prepare yourself for the expenses. The cost of nose piercing varies. Factors that determine the price are the facility, procedure, and type of jewelry used. To ease your mind, call the nearest studio and request quotations of your preferred type of nose piercing so you get an idea and make a sound decision aligned with your budget.